It couldn't happend to a nicer meathead! You know why? Because when I'm in other parts of the country, I'm sick of people telling me how much they just love Ahhhnold, and how great they think it is that Ahhhnold is our Governor because they liked "TWINS." You know why they love him? Because they don't live here and have to watch as he tries to turn this place into Alabama (offense intended). Here is a little mathematical equation you can use in the future to solve the problem that is Ahhhhnold: BAD ACTOR = BAD GOVERNOR. Bring on the special election, Conan, you are going down in flames and I can't wait to dance on your grave. Have a nice day!
The GOP Weaponized The Tax Code…
7 years ago
Maybe people are sick of how much you hate rebublicans?
Dear Anonymous,
You don't get it. I don't hate Republicans. I don't hate anybody. Life is too short for that. Hate is the exclusive territory of religion. What I hate is hypocricy and bunch of self-righteous idiots who think they can tell the rest of the world how to live. I include in this view 98% of Congress, regardless of party. It just so happens that every branch of our government is now dominated by the GOP, therefore they will received my daily wrath. When the Democrats are back in power (and they will be at some point), they will recieve my daily wrath. Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable. But nobody will ever top the George W. Bush administration for sheer incompetence and vileness. And nothing will ever be as bankrupt as the robotic support it receives from "anonymous" people. You just don't like the fact I'm not some cowering little liberal whose going to go cry in a corner everytime a right winger opens their mouth. I'm not a hippie. I'm Gen X which means I don't care what you think. I only care with what works. Iraq isn't working. Where is Osama? The economy is in the toilent. And Congress spends its time insertig itself into our private lives. You're sick of how much I hate Republicans? You ain't seen nothing yet.
i rest my case. you do hate republicans. and i'll be waiting to see what you do if the democrats are ever in power again. it should be interesting.
You rest your case? This is a blog not a court of law. Also, "cases" normally involve evidence of which you have provided exactly none. All you have done is make a statement and ignored my very clearly stated position -- Republicans are evil sleastacks and Democrats are slightly less evil sleastacks. In conclusion, I sincerely hope your life is more interesting than waiting around to see what we "do."
but you stated earlier that you didn't hate republicans. then you admitted you did. that's all. that was my case. it's a figure of speech. your site bitched a lot about consumerism. can't you see politics is just another form of consumption and you're scoffing it all down like a food party with Caligula. or better yet, blogula.
I love Caligula.
We weren't bitching about consumerism, we were demanding better consumerism.
I concur. I fact, in the opening of that article it states, "I am not one of these "consumerism is evil" people." I don't know how more clear that can be. What I "bitched" about (I like that) was horrible customer service. Disagree all you wish, but please don't distort my words.
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