Nope! Still no impeachment proceedings. I thought with all those honest GOPers in Congress who just absolutely can't stand a President who lies, they would be lining up to impeach the grand daddy of all liars, George W and his merry band of neo-con sado masochists. But I guess they really don't care about all that "A lie is a lie" stuff, they just impeached Clinton because they were angry he won two elections fair and square. The hypocricy of the right wing is so deep and poisonous they are like silly bombastic cartoon characters. They are little wind up toys who huff and puff when they don't get their way, but they really have no principles at all. Not a one. Except maybe Chris Shays. We like him.
The GOP Weaponized The Tax Code…
7 years ago
Dear Minister,
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I look forward to adding your name to the RNC's Birthday e-card to President Bush. And thank you for your continued support of our President, Party and cause.
Best Wishes,
Ken Mehlman
Ken Mehlman
RNC Chairman
P.S. In order for your name to be included on the RNC's birthday e-card to President Bush, I need to hear from you by June 30th . Please click here to sign President Bush's birthday card and make a secure online gift our entire Party can share. Thank you.
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We at Crackpot Press have no official political stance.
There are some good sane Republicans, like the forementioned Chris Shays, regardless of Guliani's ass kissing performance at the RNC, we still like him, John Mc Cain, not a bad guy, Dick Riordan I have voted for twice and would have voted for him over Gray Davis or Arnold.
What I really hate are people who leave anonymous postings while claiming to be the word of God.
I would have voted for Nixon over Kerry or Bush. At least, Nixon went to China to try and make the world a better place.
The current majority of Republicans are not small government Republicans at all.
There just a bunch of arrogant Jackasses,
CP (as opposed to GW)
We at Crackpot Press have no official political stance.
There are some good sane Republicans, like the forementioned Chris Shays, regardless of Guliani's ass kissing performance at the RNC, we still like him, John Mc Cain, not a bad guy, Dick Riordan I have voted for twice and would have voted for him over Gray Davis or Arnold.
What I really hate are people who leave anonymous postings while claiming to be the word of God.
I would have voted for Nixon over Kerry or Bush. At least, Nixon went to China to try and make the world a better place.
The current majority of Republicans are not small government Republicans at all.
There just a bunch of arrogant Jackasses,
CP (as opposed to GW)
If you have no official stance, why do you always blast this administration, and only praise rebublicans that lean towards liberal or percieved liberal/democratic ideals? I never heard one god dammed word about how the democrats for instance acted the same with judicial nominee under clinton. Or how the congress, every democrat save 1, voted for the war in Iraq and all you guys do is blame it all on Bush.
WOW. Your ignorance and denial is really quite astonishing. First, please refrain from using expletives on this board and/or seek out anger management courses. Second, you're ranting about judicial nominations under Clinton and we're talking about memos that clearly prove what we all knew in 2002 -- the invasion of Iraq was planned well before 9/11, had nothing to do with it, and CONGRESS WAS MISLED INTO VOTING FOR IT AS IT WAS GIVEN FALSE AND MISLEADING INFORMATION. Also, I would like to point out that Bill Clinton (who I never voted for) is not the President. Are we to ignore the quagmire in Iraq because of something Reagan did that we don't like? How about Carter? Nixon? How far do you want to go back? CLINTON DID IT! is not longer a valid excuse for the grotesque lies you apparently have swallowed. Had this blog been up while Clinton was President you would see us attacking him. Third, do you see the names of any Democrats in the Downing Street memos? No you don't, therefore exonerating them from the topic at hand -- once again the Downing Street memos. However, if its that important to you, here: Joe Biden, Democrat from Deleware, has announced he will be running for President. That disgusting scumbag sold us all down the river by supporting the credit card bankruptcy bill. He should never be President and he should be ousted from Congress. There, are you happy now? Good. Impeach Bush.
As long as the Far Right continues to represent 35% of the country.
You're are gonna keep hearing about.
Where do you get your info? There was no vote "To Go To War With Iraq"
The Dems voted for Presidential Authority to go to War if there was a immediate threat.
Thhey shouldn't have done that either. That was a jackass move.
I am praising the Republican house in their attempts to pass a stem cell research bill. I am not praising Republicans who cut Health Care for Vets.
Saving lives while creating jobs and helping the economy is a liberal/ democratic ideal, why is the Vast Majority of the Country for it.
And why does the HAIC think he knows more than us. He is so extreme that refuses to represent his people.
You've been hoodwinked.
you missed the point because you see what you wanna see. you wanna believe iraq was a scam by bush, even though everyone in congress had the same info he did. you act like it's a big surprise that the war was a lie. wake up. every war used lies to get us into. the point i'm making is when the idea of going to war was presented, everyone was gung ho about it. even most democrats now still support it. now that it isn't going well, they are blaming bush. that's why they gave him the power to do this. so if it didn't go well they could blame him. if everything was ok they'd be cheering along with victory. they have no spine. the fact is you just hate bush, and want him gone. this war isn't the only reason and you know it. and frankly, that's all you see on the internet. think of something new and intelligent. like instead of bitching, come up with a better plan. that's why the democrats lost. all they had to offer was bush hate, but nothing new. here's a question, what would you do it China and India were going to get Iraq's oil and not us? You wouldn't even be able to type this blog without oil or getting to work for that matter. and that's the problem we face. Maybe you don't hate republicans but you certainly hate the right wing. And honestly, there are a billion sites that rip on the right or the left. there's more to life than these 2 sides. i expect more outta you. i typed this because your blogs started off interesting and with a sense of humor. now it's the same old rhetoric i see everywhere else. i'll leave you wih the final words. anonymous, out.
Anonymous has taken his ball and gone home. Some of us (who, once again, are not members of the Democratic party) NEVER supported this war and don't support it now. Therefore my position is consistent. I'm not arguing for or against any party (which somehow you refuse to believe). Your position seems to be that its okay for the government to lie to its own people in order to go to war for a natural resource. I disagree. If you feel that it is some great victory for us to say we hate Bush then okay, I HATE BUSH. I think I've been pretty clear about that. Bye Anonymous --it was nice not knowing who you are while it lasted. Thank you for your opinions. I like a good fight -- but not a bad war.
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