Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Stem Cell Research Bill

The house voted to loosen the restrictions on Stem Cell research bill.

This is the first bi-partisan bill to be passed in recent memory.

The "Great Uniter" has promised to veto.

Research. Thinking about it. Experimenting. Trying a new approach.

It's against the culture of life.

Question for the "Great Uniter" : Have you ever vetoed a weapons bill? A weapons main purpose is to take life. The weapons main function is to take life. It's not for target practice. Production for use. Can you shave a couple of bucks off of the "take life" bill to help out?

Question for the "Great Uniter": Can you think that for once that maybe the vast majority of Americans are for this? Can you represent them? Can you be a big enough man to think the vast majority of Americans think this is worth a shot?

Question for the "Great Uniter": Can you try to Unite? On just one issue?

Question for the "Great Uniter": You have often joked about your poor grades, your ineloquence, your love of sleeping. Is it possible that someone else may have an edge in the smarts department?

Look, I am someone who, technically, could benefit from Stem Cell Research.

Realistically, I don't think stem cell research is something that will be available or affordable to "regular folk" in my lifetime.

I don't want someone 50 years from now to go through what I have to go through.

Unless, of course, they are against a cure like a "Great Uniter." For the rest, support your favorite local, medical charity.... they need your help.

Read a book to someone, help a kid reach a goal, smile at someone for no reason. Give an hour this year. The great uniter doesn't give a damn.

The world changes with YOU. Get pissed off enough that if you don't do some good, you will go insane.

Do something good today, if today isn't good for you, Do something that makes it impossible to wipe the smile off of your face for doing this year.

I challenge ya'll spend one hour this year to make someone else's life better.

You deserve it.

and so does someone else. Be a Uniter.


David "Crackpot" Howard

[URL=http://www.crackpotpress.com]Crackpot Press[/URL]

1 comment:

J A Y @ C I A said...

Question for the "Great Uniter" : Have you ever vetoed a weapons bill? A weapons main purpose is to take life. The weapons main function is to take life. It's not for target practice. Production for use. Can you shave a couple of bucks off of the "take life" bill to help out?

nicely put