Thursday, March 09, 2006

Wear a Rubber.

In his last "Speech for money" Kurt Vonnegut took the opportunity to slam Bush, "the syphullis president"

Good for him...

The Zingers include: "the Difference between Bush and Hitler... is that Hitler was elected"

The bit that really got me was Our economy has been making money, but
“all the money that should have gone into research and development has gone into executive compensation. If people insist on living as if there’s no tomorrow, there really won’t be one. "

This is the EXACT reason why I foudn it necessary to skip out on my gig.

That, and I think I finally reached me porn threshold and am looking forward to buying my Mother's Day Gift Baskets with untainited cash.


Tina said...

Crackpot: I may steal this from you... with full hat tip of course. The coverage on this in OH was nil. There was a teeny mention of it in the Cleveland news, but it didn't expose what he really said. Liberal media my ass.

Unknown said...

Oooh that's goooood. I heart Kurt. Always have; always will.

Crackpot Press said...

Tina Help yourself... what is mine is yours...

Kurt great.. the last of a dying breed of drunken writers...

May be I can re-birth the genre

enigma4ever said...

I am blogrolling you tonight....I always love your comments over at Tina's...and I too love Vonnegut...