Thursday, February 02, 2006

Brokeback Steelers

Oh boy...

USA Today is going to have to print a rectraction.

From Davenetics


Tina said...

Crackpot: I wonder if Ward will be charging Bettis for that happy ending... a good one is worth plenty.

And I even though I am a Ohio girl thru and thru, I have never, ever liked the Browns, so I have always been a Steelers fan... but I don't think I am really cut out for cheerleading... all of that jumping up and down might lead to me having 2 black eyes.

Crackpot Press said...

As Shaggy would say...

Er... Zwoinkers!!

At the risk of getting two black eyes myself... from either my CPGF or your Hubby....

I am working on desgining a functional yet attractive and supportive uniform for you. You can also cook in it. (Great now I have a third person I am risking at least one black eye from... damn my smart mouth)

and Black is a steeler's color... so I think that look might work out for you.

For one Sunday anyways....

Drew Dallons said...

Here's hoping that Hassleback and Alexander let Bettis and Ward down easy.


Here's to the Hawks running all over the Steel Curtain.

Tina said...

Crackpot: Wow... you design clothes... will we be seeing on "Project Runway" with Heidi Klum? If this is going to be your new area of expertise, perhaps you could convince the people at Victoria's Secret to expand the selection of bras in 38DD's huh? And you say your creation is black, eh? Black is slimming so it may detract from the ample boobage area.

"So I can cook in it"... normally a statement like that might just raise the hackles a bit, but for you I'll let that slide....... and b/c truth be told, I am cooking for Hubby and my dad this weekend as they watch the game at my house.

And besides...
Real women cook for their loved ones and aren't afraid to admit it.

Crackpot Press said...

WOW! Hubby has a catch!

I'll go down to Victoria's Secret today and work it out.

I would love to go see Heidi Klum on Project Runway, but I can't... damn restraining order.