Thursday, January 12, 2006

Israel to Robertson: SCREW YOU!

If you are like me you get very frustrated that folks can just spew any old verbachunks out there, Quietly retract it a few days later and there is no kind of recourse taken.

Well good old Pat Robertson has gotten his comeupance. A few days ago he made some pretty crappy comments about Ariel Sharon, while the guy had just gone in to a coma!

However, Israel has smite him with vengence and hit him in the only place he feels it.

No, not in the nuts, but in the wallet.

Remember that bit I did on Pat Robertson taking 700 Club Hoe-Down to Israel.

The deal is off.

I do think the Magdalene Chop Shop would have down well. There is only one place to get a Crackpot Dog, now and that's right here.

See, you really watch what you say, could cost ya millions!

In other news there is some cool new stuff up at the Main Site!


Anonymous said...


Pat is such a moron, I cannot believe the Israelis are just figuring this out! well good for the (finally.)

Tina said...

See Crackpot... great minds do think alike?
Damn! All of our great menu ideas are just shot to hell now... oh well... if I have to give up the Stoning Souffle and Holy Land Whore's Hotdogs, I guess I can placate myself with the 12 inch Crackpot Dogs....... :0

Crackpot Press said...

only 99 cent for a limited time only!

Kraut is extra.

jen said...

i got enough people watching what i say, you know what i mean? (waving to NSA) i am like you that it pisses me off no end that robertson has any attention from anyone at all.

i just went to the main site and read conrad romo's taste the lips piece. i worship chrissie hynde, quite enjoyed the piece.

Anonymous said...

What!? I won't be able to visit "Holyworld,"? I'm devastated.
(They were going to name it "Holyland," but that was taken.)

Neil Shakespeare said...

How about 'Holyturd'? You know, name it after himself.

Unknown said...

I wish this could be the capper for Pat, but I bet it won't be. The man just doesn't know when to shut the hell up.