Tuesday, January 03, 2006


This New Year has been odd. I was sitting in Palm Springs with the new girlfriend (she is 5 weeks older than me) and watching a little SportsCenter (is she a keeper or what?).

Apparantly it was Sportscenter anniversary and they were showing the first episode,which aired in 1987.

Chris Berman comes on and talks about a Happy 19 years.

We both buried our heads in embarrasment.


1987 was when we both graduated high school....

Where the Hell did the time go? I don't feel old.. shit.. she is contemplating a 3 day 69 mile marathon this fall in Tahoe. I plan on being supportive.

See one of those punk kids today trying that?

1 comment:

Lily said...

Wow Sportscenter. Like "Something About Mary". Look, many of us are aging. She's doing well if she can run like that still!!! What gets me is when we see people from our formative years, and how old they look. Like the Brady kids.