It's not a happy day for a diabetic.
Dear Friend of Working Assets,Did you know your friends are supporting the radical right?They are if they're long distance customers at Verizon, SBC, BellSouth orQwest. That's because all those companies funnel millions of dollars topolitical action committees dedicated to reversing such fundamental Americanvalues as free speech, equal rights and environmental protection.What can you do? Tell your friends<>
about Working Assets Long Distance.As a member yourself, you know that Working Assets supports the causes youbelieve in. And you know that 1% of your bill goes to nonprofit groupsdedicated to the progressive goals we all share.You also know that with Working Assets you get great rates, crystal-clearcalls and fast, friendly customer service.And, of course, FREE ice cream. Tell your friends<> about Working Assets Long Distance and each time a friend joins, we'llgive you coupons for 6 free pints of delicious Ben & Jerry'sR Ice Cream.Simply click here<> to send an e-mail to your friends.Sincerely,Michael Kieschnick, PresidentWorking Assets
The GOP Weaponized The Tax Code…
7 years ago
Aaw c'mon Crackpot... aren't ya willing to go into a diabetic coma for the cause? Sheesh...
I got that same email, and our home phone/hi-speed is thru SBC (we had Sprint. WORST.. SERVICE.. EVER..), Hubby's work cell is thru Verizon (but our personal cells are thru Cingular) How can we honestly avoid giving the least amount of our money to corporate whores? They own everything.
Maybe we could all live on 18th century type farms, grow/raise everything we eat, use technology at a bare minimum... hey... we DO have that already... they are called the Amish and although they don't tend to vote, the media claims they head over heels for Bush... sigh...
Is there such a thing a Smoke Signal Blog,,,
Or at least a Bong Blog?
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