Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Join Kvatch's Kommandos!

I know this blog has been a little slow. Between the new drag of a job, a broken collarbone (at least four more weeks in the sliung) and preparing for the AVP this weekend . I've been a little hectic.

However Kvatch is pumpin on all cylinder's. As you know, I am not a big fan of protests. However, this one I think will make a good impact and not tie up traffic.

I got this letter from him.

May 26th will be Blognonymous' one year anniversary (that's about 12 in frog years), and instead of the usual "blogerversary" post, I want to do something bigger. So I'm hoping that you will prepare your troops and join me for a day of protest. Let's inundate our towns, our cities, streets, shops, and stores, malls and markets, museums and monuments, parks and piers, cars and cabs. Let's make this into a movement that will get noticed.

I've done a post on this here, and will do additional posts on Tuesday and Friday of next week with the rundown of the commanders. So...if you're in please let me know and feel free to redistribute this message to anyone who you think might be interested. Also...If you'd like information on the ins and outs of buying, making, and deploying these little guys, please let me know, and I'll help in any way that I can.

Hope that you'll join me on the 26th. (Or the 27th, if a Friday is too tricky ;-). I'll probably do both.)

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