Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Very O'Reilly Xmas Wish!

Since I am an obedient sort, I am joining along with our fellows such as Agitprop and Media Matters in proclaiming BILL O'REILLY''S XMAS WISH!


and, of course,

SHOOT A CAB DRIVER Of course most Repulicans I know would say a business man should be able to charge whatever he wants (see: Enron)

Now shooting a cab driver was actually not on my XMAS "To Do" List.

The only thing really on my XMAS "To Do" list involved this:Ahh... and I am done already. Scratch that off my ... ahem.. list.

But I digress, what I found quite perplexing was for this entry I was doing an image search for something kinda Xmasy with Bill. But nothing could I find, not a picture of Bill with a Tree, not one of Bill in a Santa Hat or with a present. Not even one gosh durn Xmasy kind of picture I could steal from his website. So I settled with the Parade crap that opens this piece.

Now my dear reader... which picture is closer to a Xmasy kind of feel?

I thought so.

So anyways folks as I escape the harsh winter of Los Angeles to sit poolside in Palm Springs I really wanted to feel more Xmasy. So I am turning off Mr. O'Reilly and have my eyes towards more wholesome entertainment.


Drew Dallons said...

No Bill with a luffa in one hand and phone in the other?

Tina said...

"...I was doing an image search for something kinda Xmasy with Bill. But nothing could I find, not a picture of Bill with a Tree, not one of Bill in a Santa Hat or with a present. Not even one gosh durn Xmasy kind of picture I could steal from his website."
Well no wonder... Crackpot, you were looking in the wrong place. Google images of "kick start vibrators"... and voila.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Have fun in Palm Springs, you bastard!

Crackpot Press said...

Neil--- I will!

Tina--- No kick start vibrators either!
Man I would love to see their ad campaign.

BF- My girlfriend now owns the boots.. and believe it or not they are made for more than walking.

CD- Not a loofa to be found.