Sunday, August 06, 2006


Okay so I don't do Britney news. BUT.

I find it funny that the movie that Britney wants to go see is SPUN. Regardless that this is terrible pretentious look at people who do WAY too much meth. It is shot at the world famous STARGARDEN... which is right down the street from my house. In fact, there are many scenes in this movie that are shot in and around my neighborhood.

So I guess it confirms... Britney is Valley Trash too!


Greg Mills said...

This is what international stardom looks like? The Groovy Lounge?

The Humanity Critic said...

Man, Brittney looked like she was

madame P said...

ohh... she's adorable in that video... and really..i do feel sorry for this poor girl... yah.. she has loads of money that i will never have, but truly... the lifestyle that she's leading has messed her up real good...

but honestly, i don't think she's high.. i mean.. look at what she's eating... it's lacking trans-fat... that's all....

Crackpot Press said...

Greg... can you imagine the Groovy Lounge with a budget?
Madame P- I don't feel sorry for her... but I think her reality show lifestyle will bve an interesting document for years to come...