Tuesday, April 12, 2005

New visitor in the Malibu Hot Tub

There is a some new folks coming to Barbie's Dreamhouse.

But will he condone or condemn Ken's upcoming "alternative marriage"

All the makings of a delicious new UPN Reality show.

Jesus, the talking doll version

One2Believe will begin selling talking Jesus, left, and Moses dolls in May.

A talking Jesus doll is due to go on sale in May, along with
versions of Moses, the Virgin Mary and David, as a teddy
bear maker tries to find a market with churches and religious families.
The foot-tall Jesus doll will be able to recite five Biblical verses
at the push of button on its back, while the Moses doll will
recite the Ten Commandments. The Mary doll will
recite a long Bible verse.

FULL STORY HERE:http://money.cnn.com/2005/04/12/news

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